The Truth About Well-Being
Medical breakthroughs have offered an array of new procedures that can provide you with new opportunities and hope concerning your health and wellness goals. Unfortunately, insurance does not pay for many of these life-improving procedures. Part of well-being is knowing that you can afford your procedures of choice without breaking the bank.
The whole point of a consultation is to explore possibilities. No one is going to pressure you to do anything. Dr. Reisman, one of the country’s leading plastic surgeons, has performed thousands of procedures. He is an expert at seeing what can and can’t be done. His primary concern is understanding what your objectives are. From there he can make suggestions and answer any of your questions.
The key to a successful consultation is to be clear about your desires. After you fill out some paperwork, Dr. Reisman will spend 30-60 minutes talking to you about the procedure you have in mind. His whole focus is your comfort, safety and satisfaction. Patients of Dr. Reisman praise his friendly, knowledgeable manner. He invites you to be as specific and candid as possible. Dr. Reisman will tell you truthfully what he can achieve and precisely what he would do to achieve it.
Meeting with the Patient Coordinators
After you meet with Dr. Reisman, Lynette and Lori will talk to you and answer plastic surgery questions about timing, fees, insurance, what you can expect both pre and post surgery, how soon you’ll feel like going back to work or back to the gym … any of the things that will help make your planning easier. They know every detail and are extremely helpful and informative. Don’t hesitate to call the minute you get home if you think of something else to ask!
To reach us by phone call, 713-795-5353.